On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Ken Irwin <kir...@wittenberg.edu> wrote:

> Here's what I'm wondering: is there any tasteful/sane way of using JavaScript 
> to detect when a user clicks into the URL bar and copies/cuts the URL from a 
> page that will do the user no good later? It would, to my mind, be completely 
> civilized for the database provider to generate a little popup window 
> alerting the user to the error of their ways.

> What think you all? Would JS or some similar tool be able to achieve this?

I think that if you can modify the system to warn people not to copy
URLs, you'd be better off spending the resources fixing your URLs so
people can copy them.

For vendor-provided databases, the best you can do is complain to the vendor.


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