
Thank you for your message on the FRBR-inspired thinking. I'll second Karen's 
request that you get this or an expansion of this note published. 

With as complex a thing as a film--so many "authors", images, music, dialog, 
acting, sets, costume, etc., etc., etc., applying the FRBR model is tough, and 
your implementation is quite sensible. However, I had a small question about 
one thing you said about FRBR not allowing language at the work level. That 
doesn't seem right to me. How could the language of a thing that is primarily 
or even partially a work made of language--like a novel or a motion picture 
with spoken dialogue would not necessarily be considered at the work level and 
not at some other level. Because of the way we treat translations--not just in 
FRBR--as what FRBR calls expressions not as new works, a translation from the 
original language to another would be considered an FRBR expression. Could you 
explain this a bit more? 

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----

> This also allowed us to get around some of the areas of more  
> orthodox FRBR modeling that we found unhelpful. For example, FRBR  
> doesn't allow language at the Work level, but we think it is  
> important to record the original language of a moving image at the  
> top level. 

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