Kevin wrote:

> ...we did have lots of folks drop their registrations... opening up spots for 
> waitlisters...

Same for the 2009 Providence conference, which filled very quickly. Another 
factor is that we initially held back a small buffer of spots to make sure that 
our calculations for keynoters/presenters/etc were correct (due to a firm cap) 
and then allotted those to waitlisters.


Birkin James Diana
Programmer, Integrated Technology Services
Brown University Library

On Dec 16, 2010, at 10:30 AM, Kevin S. Clarke wrote:

> I believe the cap is the same this year as last year (250).  It did
> stay open a couple of weeks last year.  In years before, it's sold out
> even quicker than this year.  Probably lots of factors for how quickly
> it sells out (location, talks, etc.).  Regardless, it's popular.
> Richard, if last year is any indication of this year, we did have lots
> of folks drop their registrations... opening up spots for waitlisters
> (so people at the top of the list have a good chance, I think).
> Kevin
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 10:08 AM, Richard, Joel M <> wrote:
>> Woah, that was fast. I guess I'll go on the waiting list. *fingers crossed*
>> Is this code4lib larger or smaller than last year? I seem to remember 
>> registering weeks after the registration opened. Maybe it's getting popular, 
>> eh?
>> Thanks,
>> --Joel
>> Joel Richard
>> IT Specialist, Web Services Department
>> Smithsonian Institution Libraries |
>> (202) 633-1706 | (202) 786-2861 (f) |

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