I think this is a good point to make (about the host saying they
aren't lacking at this point)... for me (just one person speaking),
this isn't about this year's conference being strapped for funds.

Personally, I think this is in part a gauge to see whether this might
work as a future method for (partially) funding the conference
(...though, admittedly, one year's success may not be an indicator of
an ongoing success).

It's also worth noting that money not used this year gets passed to
next year's host, so even if this year's host doesn't use this money
the conference is still benefiting and perhaps it reduces the amount
of other types of sponsorship we need for next year (or alternatively
gives us a buffer for a low sponsorship year).

And, I think, like many other things in Code4Lib, it's an experiment...

Lastly, it's just a nice way to express one's appreciation for the
conference... it's not going to waste even if it's not used this year.

Those are all just my personal opinions... others contributing might
have different reasons or motivations...


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 10:50 AM, Jonathan Rochkind <rochk...@jhu.edu> wrote:
> I'm honestly not sure why we are fund-driving this from individuals, when
> the conference is, according to it's organizers, already sufficiently
> funded.  So, no, I see no reason to up the goal.
> On 1/13/2011 10:25 AM, Kevin S. Clarke wrote:
>> Great job Code4Lib!
>> You've collectively contributed $960 towards the sponsorship of our
>> 2011 conference!  The goal was arbitrarily set at $1000, so we're only
>> $40 short of that...<salesmans_voice>Anyway want to pitch in those
>> final dollars? 5, 10, 20?</salesmans_voice>
>> Also, curious as to whether folks think we should up the goal or stay
>> with $1000.  I'm thinking we could take the answer from whether anyone
>> pitches in after we've reached the $1000 point.  If someone
>> contributes something over $1000, we can take that as a vote to bump
>> up the goal a bit ($500).  Otherwise, given a little time for people
>> to think about it, I'll just go ahead and send these funds into
>> Indiana as "The Code4Lib Community" sponsorship.
>> On a personal note, I think this level of participation is really
>> cool.  Thanks to Dan for the idea to have a community sponsorship!
>> It's been fun to pitch in and see others do the same...
>> Kevin

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