Hi folks,

I'm writing to encourage those of you working with or planning to work
with microservices, broadly defined, to propose a "24x7" talk -- no
longer than 7 minutes consisting of no more than 24 slides -- for Open
Repositories 2011.  The deadline for proposals is February 28th.
Here's the official call for proposals:

We welcome one- to two-page proposals (PDF preferred) for 7 minute
presentations comprising no more
than 24 slides. Similar to Pecha Kuchas or Lightning Talks, these 24x7
presentations will be grouped
into blocks based on conference themes, with each block followed by a
moderated discussion / question
and answer session involving the audience and whole block of
presenters. This forum will provide
conference goers with a fast-paced survey of like work across many
institutions, and presenters the chance
to disseminate their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster.

If enough talks around microservices are submitted, the topic will
receive its own block.

Please do consider submitting a proposal!


P.S. Apologies for cross-posting.

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