I'm not sure if you're asking for a terminology management system or database 
functionality.  I have the latter and we might be able to make it work for you.

I've got an Open Source SRW/U (oclcsrw.googlecode.com) server with Atom Pub 
functionality built into it.  The server just acts as a protocol handler and 
passes requests through a database interface to the underlying database 
service.  Currently there are interfaces for DSpace and Lucene publicly 
available and I'm working on a JDBC interface to be exposed soon.  None of 
these interfaces support the Atom Pub interface yet.

I use the Atom Pub interface with some of our Research projects.  We have 
editable versions of WorldCat Identities and VIAF.  We are very happy with Atom 
Pub and have both web and java clients using it to manage records in these 

It probably wouldn't be hard to create an interface to your WordShack database.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Code for Libraries [mailto:CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Bobbi Fox
> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2011 1:07 PM
> Subject: [CODE4LIB] Controlled Vocabulary DB: RESTful CRU[D]
> I have been tasked with coming up with a RESTful Create, Read, Update [we're
> not Deleting] API to our home-grown controlled vocabulary database,
> "WordShack".
> WordShack was developed as part of our Email Archiving Pilot, where we
> control not only for subject, but for person, organization, email address, 
> etc.
> I've investigated Tematres1.2 (nice interface, btw), and also looked into
> the lately-announced HIVE RESTful Web Services API, but both these seem to
> be Read-only.
> Is anyone working on the C & U part of CRUD?
> An additional complication is that the controlled vocabulary systems I've
> seen so far flatten (and store) the "term" into a single string, whereas our
> DB, heavily MODS influenced, breaks up terms into fields: say, a "person"
> term is broken into a (name,term of address, date) tuple.  While I'd
> consider putting a skim coat on the DB with a structured text string
> gazinta/goesoutta of some sort, I can imagine screams of anguish from the
> original designers (some of whom are also on this code4lib ml :-)
> I'd like to hear from anyone who is working on this, or who would like to be
> working on it with me.
> Thanks,
> Bobbi Fox, Office for Information Systems
> Harvard Library,
> Harvard University
> Cambridge, MA

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