*How can we gain bigger audiences for our scholarly and cultural resources
and enhance services for researchers, teachers and learners?*

In 2010, the JISC and RLUK Resource Discovery Taskforce (RDTF), involving
national stakeholders from libraries, archives and museums, set out a vision
for making the most of UK scholarly and cultural resources.  JISC and their
RDTF partners have now committed to a programme of activity to help fulfil
the vision – building critical mass through opening up data, exploring and
demonstrating what open data makes possible, and actively sharing learning
points with the wider community.

*The ‘Opening Data – Opening Doors’ event marks the starting point of this
journey. *


*We are looking for developers/tech-interested people to contribute to this
event - tell us:*


   - *

   How you can use data describing these resources - what innovative
   services or products could be delivered?
   - *

   What things can be done in terms of format/licensing/apis to make
   exploiting this data as easy as possible?
   - *

   Do you have data you can contribute? Are there any barriers to
   contributing data (technical or other), and how could these be overcome?
   - *

   What excites/would excite you about this attempt to open up
   scholarly/cultural resources and enhance services?

(you can get a flavour of what is already happening from this newsletter

Come to the event to:

·         Hear from services that are opening up their data including what’s
happening in the new RDTF projects that have just been commissioned

·         Help to shape the messages, advice and support offered during the
2011 programme and beyond

·         Help to develop practical and engaging approaches to exploiting
our data

Venue: Malmaison Manchester, Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 1LZ

Date: Monday 18th April 2011, 10.00am to 4.00pm

*Who should attend?* Managers, practitioners, developers and advocates from
libraries, archives, museums, associated publishers and interested
organisations who want early involvement in clarifying, expanding and
challenging the realities of exposing, sharing and exploiting the resource
description data held by our institutions.

*Register at:* http://rdtf-opening-doors.eventbrite.com/

There is already a lot happening.  To find out more download a copy of the
first RDTF newsletter at:

For more information on the JISC and RLUK Resource Discovery Taskforce,
visit: http://rdtf.mimas.ac.uk

Owen Stephens
Owen Stephens Consulting
Web: http://www.ostephens.com
Email: o...@ostephens.com

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