Hey folks,

Just an update/reminder about the Code4Lib North meetup in May. If you are 
interested in attending, sign-up while you can - 
http://c4ln2011.eventbrite.com/ - we have 21 spots left at the time of typing 
out this little email. I've also updated the wiki 
a bit in the last couple days with parking info (sorry we have the most 
expensive parking in OCUL), travel accommodations, and local public transit 
routes to campus. 

Also, it may have not been explicitly clear how to sign-up for a talk. I'm 
going with what we did last year - hit up the wiki, scroll down to the 
20-minute talks section and edit it. Same goes for the lighting talks and BOAF 
sessions; if there is significant interest. As for the hackfest ideas/projects, 
please send requests to John Fink (jf...@mcmaster.ca) or myself.

If I missed anything, or there are any other questions, ask away!



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