Our work on Memento comes to mind, of course.


And in particular, regarding the second point, our papers about the
use of Memento for non-traditional interactions with web archives:

* http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.3661
Using Memento to recover the state of a web resource at the point in
time it was annotated, to ensure that the annotation is displayed with
the correct representation.

* http://arxiv.org/abs/1003.2643
Using Memento with Linked Data to perform time series analysis.

And hopefully a paper at Open Repositories, describing initial and
ongoing research, briefly summarized in:


Hope that helps!


On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Jodi Schneider <jschnei...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Code4Lib, any thoughts for Eric? -Jodi
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Eric Meyer <eric.me...@oii.ox.ac.uk>
> Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 4:46 PM
> Subject: [Air-L] Using archives of the web for research
> To: "ai...@listserv.aoir.org" <ai...@listserv.aoir.org>
> Cc: Ralph Schroeder <ralph.schroe...@oii.ox.ac.uk>, "
> a...@proteus-associates.com" <a...@proteus-associates.com>
> Dear AoIR,
> OII is currently doing some work for the IIPC (International Internet
> Preservation Consortium: http://www.netpreserve.org), and part of the work
> involves identifying current and cutting edge research techniques and tools
> that are available for research on the live web, but that are currently
> either difficult or impossible to use with web archives such as the Internet
> Archive (http://www.archive.org/) or other IIPC member organisations.
> The short version of what we are hoping to get from this group:
> - do you know of any innovative uses of web archives for research?
> - what techniques for researching the live web should be adapted for use
> with web archives?
> - can you envisage any innovative uses of web archives (or other archived
> Internet data) for research that you would ideally like to be able to do?
> The longer version:
> What we are hoping is that members of AoIR will respond to us (off list)
> with your ideas about ways you research the live web that could potentially
> be enhanced using either snapshots from the web at different time points or
> longitudinal data about the web over time, but which would need additional
> support, training, tools, or infrastructure to be able to accomplish.  Your
> responses will be used to influence the IIPC community to add web archive
> support for the kinds of cutting edge research that AoIR members are doing.
> Also, if you have any types of research or research questions you have been
> hoping to be able to do with archived internet data but have not been able
> to do for whatever reason, and you are willing to share the ideas and the
> barriers to researching them with us for possible inclusion in our
> discussion paper, that would be appreciated as well.
> Responses before 1 May will be most helpful. We will post the draft report
> back to the list in May, and the final report in the summer.  Those
> interested in web archives may also find two reports we wrote last autumn to
> be of interest:
> Dougherty, M., Meyer, E.T., Madsen, C., van den Heuvel, C., Thomas, A.,
> Wyatt, S. (2010). Researcher Engagement with Web Archives: State of the Art.
> London: JISC. Online: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1714997 or
> http://ie-repository.jisc.ac.uk/544/
> Thomas, A., Meyer, E.T., Dougherty, M., van den Heuvel, C., Madsen, C.,
> Wyatt, S. (2010). Researcher Engagement with Web Archives: Challenges and
> Opportunities for Investment. London: JISC. Online:
> http://ssrn.com/abstract=1715000 or http://ie-repository.jisc.ac.uk/543/
> Eric T. Meyer
> Research Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute
> University of Oxford
> eric.me...@oii.ox.ac.uk
> http://people.oii.ox.ac.uk/meyer
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> The ai...@listserv.aoir.org mailing list
> is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers http://aoir.org
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