Setting aside the issue of disambiguation, dbpedia provides a linked data 
interface to the content of wikipedia. 

Connecting that to your XML is just a question of the document model you use. 

If you want to know whether endpoint a is the same as endpoint b in the linked 
data world you can try the sameas service. 

On 16 May 2011, at 15:37, Jon Gorman <> wrote:

> Just to clarify, are you picturing some sort of feedback loop?  I'm
> just trying to get a better picture of the process (sounds like an
> interesting project).
> In other words, do you have something like:
> 1) take in a full-text document (like, say, a novel?)
> 2) Run it through NER, pull out locations, places, things.
> 3) Have a user who's read the novel (or perhaps display those words in
> context?) go through each the locations and pick a lat & long using
> Google Maps as an interface.  (Ie says this "Dublin" is Dublin, OH not
> Dublin, Ireland).
> 4) Do something similar with names, only using some sort of resource
> like dbpedia to display possible individuals?
> 5) markup the original file in an XML doc w/ identifiers around those
> occurrences?
> Is that what you're picturing?
> Jon G.
> Who doesn't really know enough about linked data to contribute, but is
> interested nonetheless.

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