*Please excuse cross postings*

The LITA Program Planning Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2012 Annual American Library Association Conference. We're looking for full day pre-conferences, and half day and two hour conference presentations on use of, new ideas for, and technology trends in libraries. Think about the technology success or failure you're recently had, or the topic you think we haven't had covered and put together a proposal.

When/Where is the Conference?
2012 Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA: June 21–26, 2012

What kind of topics are we looking for?
Anything relating to libraries and technology! (That narrows it down, right?) A few ideas might include: Comparing two or three library tools (LibGuides vs Google Pages), (Un)Successful Implementation of a New Technology, From the Trenches of an ILS Migration, Technology for Marketing, Marketing Technology, Managing Technology, Project Management, How to Quickly Build a Web App that looks Decent, Managing People and Technology, Supporting Continuing Ed for Technology, Video Creation and Editing, Including/Leveraging Users, Tech Tools for Data Management, etc etc etc. Please keep an eye on the LITA Listserv for a poll for more ideas soon!

When are proposals due?
August 5, 2011

How I do submit?
Fill out this form <https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFA4OGtRM2h4Q1VIbVNtWV94M1djN1E6MA#gid=0>

When will I have an answer?
The committee will be reviewing proposals in August, final decisions will be made in September

Do I have to be a member of ALA/LITA/an IG/a committee?
No! We welcome proposals from anyone who feels they have something to offer regarding library technology. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide financial support for speakers.

Got another question?
Please feel free to email me (abigailgo...@gmail.com <mailto:abigailgo...@gmail.com>) and the group will figure it out.

Abigail Goben
abigailgo...@gmail.com <mailto:abigailgo...@gmail.com>

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