JHOVE (1) should be able to do this, and I believe you can pass the included shell script a directory and have it extract data for everything it finds and can parse inside.

On 07/18/2011 09:18 AM, Edward M. Corrado wrote:
Hello All,

Before I re-invent the wheel or try many different programs, does
anyone have a suggestion on a good way to extract embedded Metadata
added by cameras and (more importantly) photo-editing programs such as
Photoshop from TIFF files and save it as as XML? I have>  60k photos
that have metadata including keywords, descriptions, creator, and
other fields embedded in them and I need to extract the metadata so I
can load them into our digital archive.

Right now, after looking at a few tools and having done a number of
Google searches and haven't found anything that seems to do what I
want. As of now I am leaning towards extracting the metadata using
exiv2 and creating a script (shell, perl, whatever) to put the fields
I need into a pseudo-Dublin Core XML format. I say pseudo because I
have a few fields that are not Dublin Core. I am assuming there is a
better way. (Although part of me thinks it might be easier to do that
then exporting to XML and using XSLT to transform the file since I
might need to do a lot of cleanup of the data regardless.)

Anyway, before I go any further, does anyone have any


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