On 04/08/11 13:09, Peter Murray wrote:
Thanks for the reply, Stuart.  With the first question, I've updated the diagram to add an 
"Association" entity.  (Technically, I don't think this is an entity but rather a 
specialization of a relationship.)  This is based off some great work I saw at the NITRC.  Take a 
look at the "Associations" section of these page:


This fits the use case you describe and that of modules that would be a part of 
a Drupal installation or how djatoka can be a component of several different 

Regarding the second question, I think of standards as a kind of "technology".  I've 
added "standard" to the list of enumerations at 

So in your example, if a dspace / fedora run in a servlet container (which is a standard) which depends on Java (which is both a standard and a project) would you be expecting to break those out?

If so, that's a lot of entities and your proposed mockups are going to have to be redone; If not, you can’t do proper dependency tracking.

Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services http://www.victoria.ac.nz/library/

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