Sounds like ripe BoF / Workshop material to me.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 6:00 AM, Joshua Gomez <> wrote:
> I want to propose a presentation topic that I would like to hear, rather than 
> one I would like to give.Specifically, I am interested in advice on running 
> regional "chapters" of code4lib. A few people met up a couple weeks ago to 
> try to revive the defunct MD-DC-VA code4lib regional group. We discussed some 
> reasons for the demise of the original group and were wondering what some of 
> the stronger regional groups were doing that made them so successful.I would 
> like to learn from members of those successful regional groups. Perhaps this 
> could be a "birds of a feather" discussion rather than a presentation. I 
> think it would be useful to the entire code4lib community. I would be willing 
> to take notes and post the conclusions of the discussion to the wiki for 
> other nascent regional groups to use.-Josh
> Joshua Gomez
> Digital Library Programmer Analyst
> George Washington University Libraries
> 2130 H St, NW Washington, DC 20052
> (202) 994-8267
>>>> Anjanette Young  10/05/11 6:22 PM >>>
> Code4lib 2012 call for proposals.
> We are now accepting proposals for Code4lib 2012.
> Code4lib 2012 is a loosely-structured conference for library technologists
> to commune, gather/create/share ideas and software, be inspired, and forge
> collaborations.  The conference will be held Monday February 6th
> (Preconference Day) - Thursday February 9th, 2012 in Seattle, WA. More
> information can be found at
> Prepared Talks
> Head over to the call for proposals page at
> and submit your idea
> for a prepared talk for this year's conference!  Proposals should be no
> longer than 500 words, and preferably many less.
> Prepared talks are 20 minutes (including setup and questions), and focus on
> one or more of the following areas:
>  * tools (some cool new software, software library or integration platform)
>  * specs (how to get the most out of some protocols, or proposals for new
> ones)
>  * challenges (one or more big problems we should collectively address)
> The community will vote on proposals using the criteria of:
>  * usefulness
>  * newness
>  * geekiness
>  * diversity of topics
>  * awesomeness
> Proposals can be submitted through Sunday, November 19th, 5pm (PST). Voting
> will commence soon thereafter and be open through Friday, December 9th.
> Successful candidates will be notified by December 12th. The submitter (and
> if necessary a second presenter) will be guaranteed an opportunity to
> register for the conference through December 23st.
> Proposals for preconferences are also open until November 19th, 5pm (PST).
> We cannot accept every prepared talk proposal, but multiple lightning talk
> and breakout sessions will provide everyone who wishes to present with an
> opportunity to do so.
> --Anj
> Anjanette Young | Systems Librarian
> University of Washington Libraries
> Box 352900 | Seattle, WA 98195
> Phone: 206.616.2867

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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