On Nov 17, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:

> Matt Amory wrote:
>> Is anyone involved with, or does anyone know of any project to extract and
>> aggregate bibliography data from individual works to produce some kind of
>> "most-cited" authors list across a collection?  Local/Network/Digital/OCLC
>> or historic?
>> Sorry to be vague, but I'm trying to get my head around whether this is a
>> tired old idea or worth pursuing...
> Sounds like you're describing citeseer - http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/ - it's 
> a combination bibliographic and citation index for computer science 
> literature.  It includes a good degree of citation analysis.  Incredibly 
> useful tool.

Another recent project (that I haven't had a chance to play with yet) is Total 
Impact : 


It's from some of the folks in altmetrics, who are trying to find better 
bibliometrics for measuring value: 


I don't see a list of what they're scraping I think they're using the 
publisher's indexes, PubMed and other databases rather than parsing the text 
themselves ... but the software's available, if you wanted to take a look.  Or 
you could just ask Heather or Jason, they're both approachable and always eager 
to talk, when I've run into them at meetings.

I also seem to remember someone at the DataCite meeting this summer who was 
involved in a project to parse references in papers ... unfortunately, I don't 
have that notebook here to check ... but I *think* it was John Kunze.  (and I 
don't think it was part of the person's presentation, but something that I had 
picked up in the Q/A part)


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