BTW, you can't put a Paypal button in a post to this list. I suggest
that you send a link.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Joann Ransom <> wrote:
> Horowhenua Library Trust is the birth place of Koha and the longest serving
> member of the Koha community. Back in 1999 when we were working on Koha,
> the idea that 12 years later we would be having to write an email like this
> never crossed our minds. It is with tremendous sadness that we must write
> this plea for help to you, the other members of the Koha community.
> The situation we find ourselves in, is that after over a year of battling
> against it, PTFS/Liblime have managed to have their application for a
> Trademark on Koha in New Zealand accepted. We now have 3 months to object,
> but to do so involves lawyers and money. We are a small semi rural Library
> in New Zealand and have no cash spare
> in our operational budget to afford this, but we do feel it is something we
> must fight.
> For the library that invented Koha to now have to have a legal battle to
> prevent a US company trademarking the word in NZ seems bizarre, butit is at
> this point that we find ourselves.
> So, we ask you, the users and developers of Koha, from the birth place of
> Koha, please if you can help in anyway, let us know.
> Background reading:
>   - Code4Lib article <>: How hard
>   can it be : developing in Open Source [history of the development of Koha]
>   by Joann Ransom and Chris Cormack.
>   - Timeline <> of Koha
>   :development
>   - Koha history visualization <>
> Help us
> If you would like to help us fund legal costs please use the paypal donate
> button below.
> Otherwise, any discussion, public support and ideas on how to proceed would
> be gratefully received.
> Regards
> Jo.
> --
> Joann Ransom RLIANZA
> Head of Libraries,
> Horowhenua Library Trust.

Cary Gordon
The Cherry Hill Company

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