I was really hoping that our Associate Director for Library Technology
could attend Code4Lib. She did her best, but didn't make it. She was then
pushed hard, early on, to drop her hotel room, which she did not do (good
for her) though I'm guessing she has by now. We're a 5-person library and
it's amazing to have someone with her expertise (IT tried to steal her
before I arrived, but I took her back), and we wouldn't be what we were
without her. I felt I owed her Code4Lib, but busy with my own distractions
I hadn't been on this list for a long time, and didn't tune in to the fact
that registration for C4L has become so nutzo that either she or her proxy
needed to be sitting on the reg process the very minute it opened, not a
few minutes later. She was probably doing one of the 8 bazillion things she
does every long day that help keep us going and differentiate us from all
the other teeny-weeny uni libraries out there.

The library world will be a little less than what it could be because she's
not at Code4Lib.

My idea: registration should open for two weeks, close, and then assign
spots randomly (and if it's too hard to think how that might be done, I
have a few thousand old catalog cards you can toss in a bucket).

FYI, I know what zoia is, and I even know WHO the real Zoia is, but
invoking that super-secret-stuff is just icky. Maybe she doesn't need your
super-secret decoder rings anyway. She does want to stretch herself beyond
what we can make possible. We'll keep looking.

Karen G. Schneider
Director for Library Services
Holy Names University

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