> I'm curious to know of this lists current thoughts on Koha as an ILS. Where
> would you rank it among the various options, open source and vendor?

I'm confused, what do you mean by "open source and vendor"?

There's vendors/companies that develop for and support Koha.  Open
source and vendor/commercial activity are not  mutually exclusive.
Did you mean open source and proprietary?  There's lots of combination
of ILSes and how to manage them out there.

Open Source ILS / local servers / no support contracts
Open source ILS / hosted / no support contract
Open source ILS / hosted / support contract

Proprietary ILS / local servers / no support
Open source ILS / hosted / no support contract
Proprietary ILS / hosted / support

Some of those combinations are pretty rare, but I could see all of
them existing.

And you could distinguish between support and development contracts,
with the nice advantage of open source you can always change vendors
or fund someone who's not your usual developer group depending on how
the community around the project has been established.  Harder to do
that with proprietary software, but I've still heard of it happening.

Are you interested in stuff like that?

Or are you more just interested in how people's experience using Koha
software itself compared ot other ILS options out there? Or the actual
overall experience?  Or which Koha vendor is the best?

Jon G.

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