Code4Lib Conference Attendees,

You voted with your (virtual) feet...  so, with approval from conference 
planners,  we have rethought our preconference offering formerly known as 
"Hacking Content."  It is now scheduled for the morning only and has a more 
descriptive title.  Feel free to join us.

Knocking Down Silos: Tools and Approaches for Simplifying Discovery
What strategies have you used to merge silos to give users a more streamlined 
search experience? How are libraries using tools like Drupal, Islandora, Dublin 
Core, Solr and Blacklight to make article, catalog and/or repository content 
discoverable via a single interface? If you're interested in these issues, 
challenges and conundrums join us for a morning of thinking, dreaming and 
Speakers/Facilitators will be:
- Thom Cox - Manager of Library Information Technology Services - Tufts 
- Ken Varnum - Web Systems Manager - University of Michigan Libraries
- Stephen Westman - Analyst Programmer, Emerging Technologies and Services - 
Oregon State University Libraries
- Evviva Weinraub - Director Emerging Technologies and Services, OSU will 
facilitate the discussion
Contact: Margaret Mellinger - margaret dot mellinger at oregonstate dot edu

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