I've been influenced lately by a great talk on Project Management that
Delphine Khanna gave at THATCamp a few months ago. She stressed the
need for lightweight solutions to handle the more common case where we
have multiple small library projects rather than one massive endeavor.
The core piece of software for her team is usually Google
Spreadsheets, which really underscores the value of process and
communication in the management of any project over a particular chunk
of technology.

I don't see the slides for that talk up anywhere, but they were
similar to the ones at

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Brian McBride <brian.mcbr...@utah.edu> wrote:
> Question for all the code4lib developers out there:
> --What project management software are you using?
> --What made you choose the system?
> --Has the system met all of your needs? If not, where does it fail?
> --Overall opinions?
> --What systems did you evaluate and decide not to recommend?
> Any information would be great!
> Thanks,
> Brian
> Brian McBride
> Head of Application Development
> J. Willard Marriott Library
> O: 801.585.7613
> F:  801.585.5549
> brian.mcbr...@utah.edu<mailto:brian.mcbr...@utah.edu>

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