On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Godmar Back <god...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my hand ||*(  [1].


I'm sorry that I was so unhelpful w/ the "patches welcome" message on
your docfix. You're right, it was antagonistic of me to suggest you
send a patch for something so simple. Plus, it wasn't even accurate,
because I actually wanted a pull request :-)

I've been amazed at how much github can speed fixes getting into the
codebase--even very small ones. Using the machinery of git (fork,
commit, push, pull request, merge) leaves a trail which is extremely
helpful for surfacing who is helping with what at the source code
level. It would be great if the students that you mentioned who are
using pymarc knew that they have the ability to participate at this
level as well.

One of the reasons why we moved pymarc over to github was to enable
more people to more easily maintain the software. I agree that there
are some dusty corners of pymarc that could use some cleanup, and that
character encoding is probably the cruftiest of the cruft. Perhaps
python3 compatibility will be good time to rethink how some of it
works? At any rate, I hope that you will keep helping the project out,
we need it.


PS. thanks for being you Mike :-)

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