But then the Congressperson punts it off to an intern, who delegates
that to a junior intern, who is so confused that he calls the Library
of Congress.  Ultimately that call gets routed around to Ed Summers,
who blogs angrily about RDF, RDF which becomes sentient and fulfills
the request its damn self.  The semantic web is here, my friends, and
it smells of sand and cat pee.


On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 2:39 PM, BWS Johnson <abesottedphoe...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Salvete!
>> Despite the lawful and prudent endorsement of this thread by our
>> official designee to the OCLC Off-Topic Cat Discussion Moderation
>> Divisiion, I feel it necessary to point out that @mjgiarlo's post was
>> in error. The K Street lobbyist does not handle kitty litter. The
>> Congressperson the K Street lobbyist controls, does.
>> Roy
>     Psha! The K Street lobbyist's Congressperson's aide does, amateur! You're 
> so naive when it comes to the inner workings of the Capitol.
> Cheers,
> Brooke

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