Have a look at Tornado:


It's our default "get something up and running quickly" Python framework.


On 2012-07-10, at 8:05 PM, William Denton wrote:

> I have a fairly basic web service I want to hack on that would manage some 
> stuff (not too much) and feed out JSON in response to request.  I'd like to 
> do it in Python so I can get to know the language.
> StackOverflow is filled with comparisons of Python web frameworks, but I 
> wanted to get the sense from all the Python hackers here about what framework 
> might be a good one given their personal experiences.
> Django is very full-featured and well documented, and would make a complex 
> project simple, but I think has more than I need; Flask looks pretty simple 
> and could suit the basic service I want to do; web2py looks pretty rich.
> I know this isn't a particularly answerable question and the best thing to do 
> is to try one and hack on it, and do it right the second time, but since 
> future Python work might involve RDF and linked data, and there are so many 
> Python people here whose opinion I value, I thought I'd throw it out.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> -- 
> William Denton
> Toronto, Canada
> http://www.miskatonic.org/

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