Okay, here's my own reverse survey for you. :)

What is "web services", what job description or role or responsibilities does "a librarian planning to work in web services" mean to you? Because I'm not sure myself, nor am I sure everyone else who uses that term agrees.

My answer to your survey depends on what we're talking about.

And I have NO idea what "w/e" means or stands for.

On 9/10/2012 4:12 PM, Michael Schofield wrote:
Hi everyone,

Every so often in the library blogosophere I see posts dedicated to whether
librarians should know how to code. The answer I usually give is awful -
something like, "Um. Probably." Anyway, since you all work with the web
and/or library systems, I'm curious about your wizened answers. Here's the
scenario: if a LIS student intending to work in web services (or w/e) asked
your advice, what code / platforms / other skills would you recommend for

I'll compile and share the results in a couple of weeks.

All the best,

Michael Schofield(@nova.edu) | Web Services Librarian

Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center

Hi! Hit me up any time, but I'd really appreciate it if you report broken
links, bugs, your meeting minutes, or request an awesome web app over on the
Library Web Services <http://staff.library.nova.edu/pm>  site.

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