
> My current fav is Digital NZ

    Can't. Resist. Plug. Batman.

    Y'all are nerds, so undoubtedly, y'all prolly know this stuff already, 
    That started in part with Kete.

     Te Horowhenua Trust,

     then The Horowhenua Library Trust basically bit the bullet for everyone a 
second time (Koha was the first) in making that bit of Open Source Software 
happen. If your current favourite is a strong enough thing to get ye to dig 
into the moth eaten oft empty folding jobbie you keep in your pants or purse, 
they could REALLY bloody use it. They've a new building to pay for (among a 
zillion other things) so if you're really that keen on cool stuff happening, 
show em some <3. Big olde blinky button on the upper right labeled Donate Now. 

Royt made me plug this against my free will,

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