Wilhelmina Randtke writes

> I'm trying to get a subdomain of my university's domain pointed at content
> on a cheapie hosting account.  To do this, I can get main campus to put in
> a CNAME record with the IP address matching where the DNS for my cheapie
> hosting account is currently located in the cheapie hosting company's
> system.  The problem is, this IP will periodically change, meaning main
> campus IT will have to be involved periodically down the line in order to
> cut and paste the new IP into their system, and meaning that the hosted
> services could go unavailable for a few days when this happens.

  I am probably something missing here, as my experience is with root
  servers rather than web hosting. But I do know a bit about DNS. My
  expernienc suggests that once you have a CNAME, in BIND notation

foo IN CNAME bar

  the name foo is replaced by name bar. There is no IP address involved.
  If bar changes changes IP address, the IP address of foo also changes.
  In fact, all record types attached to bar carry over to foo. So you
  can't say

foo IN CNAME bar
foo IN NS widget

  as the NS (nameserver) for foo is the same as the NS for bar, not

> Am I doing this the hard way?

  You have not told us what you do.

>  *How would you go about getting a subdomain
> of your university's URL to point at your cheapie webhosting account?  *

  If your webhoster gives you a URL at 


  your uni DNS can just say

randtke IN CNAME randtke.webhoster.com.

>  Subdomain forwarding with masking then storing content at a random URL but
> having it appear to be on the university's subdomain does not work, because
> this causes problems responding to XML queries.

  I don't understand that approach, so I suspect my answer is off
  the mark but it may still be helpful.


  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
                                               skype: thomaskrichel

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