Curious about the no limit on number of proposals per person.  I know
we've discussed this before, but I don't remember the reasoning for
this decision.  Is it just that we limit in the actual presentation (1
presentation max per person) so various proposals are okay?  Why not
just limit up front?


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Cynthia Ng <> wrote:
> I'm really glad to see this discussion continuing. It seems like
> there's a good amount of support for at least giving a certain amount
> of sessions over for the program committee to decide.
> At 15%, we'd be looking at 3-4 slots reserved for the program
> committee (whoever that might be next year) to do with as they wish.
> If there's no opposition, I'd still like to propose giving the
> committee the flexibility to use those slots to "diversify" the
> program, one major consideration being first time presenters, but not
> being an absolute requirement.
> Limits
> As of right now, we are still sticking to these limits, and I'd be in
> favour of keeping it
> * 1 presentation max per person (not including pre-conf)
> * 2 presenters max per presentation
> * No limit on number of proposals per person
> Agreed: presenter anonymity--

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