I think that _everyone_ who finds our topics and discussions interesting and 
useful is welcome at the conference, on the listserv, in IRC, etc. 

However, at the same time, I will confess that I personally find the 
proliferation of archival/repository topics at the conference dissapointing.  I 
feel like there are many many venues for discussing "institutional 
repositories" and digital archiving.  Many other venues (journals, conferences, 
listservs, organizations) that purport to be about library technology in 
general or "digital libraries" really end up being focused almost exclusively 
on archival/repository matters.  When I first found code4lib, what was exciting 
to me is that finally there was a venue for people discussing and trying to DO 
technological innovation in actual 'ordinary' library user services, in helping 
our patrons do all the things that libraries have traditionally tried to help 
them do, and which need an upgraded tech infrastructure to continue helping 
them do in the 21st century.  

But that's just me.  I don't think there's _anyone_ that's interested in 
drawing lines around _who_ can participate in 'code4lib'. 

But I think almost _everyone_ has an interest in _what_ the topics and 
discussions at code4lib are.  Because that's what makes it code4lib, there's 
already a web4lib listserv, there's already a D-Lib Magazine, there's already 
DLF gatherings, there's already LITA, etc -- those who are fans of code4lib 
like it because of something unique about it, and want it to change in some 
ways and not in other ways. And we probably don't all agree on those ways. But 
it would be disingenous to pretend that everyone in code4lib has no opinion 
about what sorts of topics and discussions should take place at confs or on the 
listserv etc. 

But I've still never seen anyone say that any person or type of person is 
unwelcome!  Yeah, there is some tension here, becuase of course what ends up 
creating the "what", but the "who" who are there?    

I am not afraid to say that code4lib would not be able to remain code4lib 
unless the _majority_ of participants were "coders", broadly understood 
(writing HTML is writing code, writing anything to be interpreted by a computer 
is writing code).  But either that will happen or it won't, there's no way to 
force it. 

(And personally, I'm not afraid to say that code4lib would not be able to 
remian code4lib for ME, if the _majority_ of participants become people who 
work mostly on "digital repository" or "archival" areas, as is true of so many 
other "library technology" venues.) 
From: Code for Libraries [CODE4LIB@LISTSERV.ND.EDU] on behalf of Christie 
Peterson [cpeter...@jhu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: [CODE4LIB] What is a "coder"?

I think my tweet yesterday may have been partially responsible for raising this 
question in Mark's mind. I wrote: "Debating registering for c4l since I'll be 
getting -- at most -- 50% reimbursement for costs &, well, I'm not a coder. 
Thoughts?" When I wrote this, I was using "coder" in the sense that Jonathan 
used it: "A coder is someone who writes code, naturally. :)" and also in the 
sense that Henry mentioned: sysadmin types who do a minimal amount of literal 
coding but self-identify as technologists.

I profess to be neither, yet many of the topics on this year's lineup are 
directly relevant to my work. My professional identity is, first, as an 
archivist. This belies a lot of tech-heavy activities that I'm involved with, 
however: management of born-digital materials, digital preservation, 
designing/building a digital repository, metadata management, interface design, 
process improvement and probably a few other things that just don't happen to 
be what I'm thinking about at this particular moment.

So although I'm not a "coder" in the sense that I defined above, it's essential 
for my work that I understand a lot about the technical work of libraries and 
that I can communicate and collaborate with the true "coders". As my tweet 
hinted at, this puts me in an odd place in terms of library financial support 
for attendance at technology-focused conferences. While the "coders" I work 
with (hi guys!) get fully funded to attend code4lib and similar conferences, I 

If this were "training" in the sense of a seminar or a formal class on the 
exact same topics, I would be eligible for full funding, but since it's a 
"conference," it's funded at a significantly lower level. I'll gladly take 
suggestions anyone has for arguments about why attendance at these types of 
events is critical to successfully doing my work in a way that, say, attending 
ALA isn't -- and why, therefore, they should be supported at a higher funding 
rate than typical "library" conferences. Any non-coders successfully made this 
argument before?


Christie S. Peterson
Records Management Archivist
Johns Hopkins University
The Sheridan Libraries
4300 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
Fax 410.516.7202

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