On 11/29/2012 4:19 PM, Chris Fitzpatrick wrote:
  departments in kinda interesting ways. There now seems to be things like
"Metadata" or "Systems" groups that are distinct from "Digital Repository"
or "Applications" groups. Catalogers and the people who work on the ILS are
often completely segregated from the people who work on the new flashy
grant-funded projects.

Yes, this isn't new, and it is a problem.

The former, it kinda seems to me, tends to have more
women members while the latter is often lacking. Code4Lib draws mostly from
people working in these new-ish groups,

Code4Lib didn't used to, when I attended the second code4lib conf, the vast majority of the presentations and presenters were NOT about grant-funded work or "digital repository" work, and the majority of people I met at Code4Lib were not working on such things.

I miss that. Code4Lib was in fact the only place I knew of for people working on traditional library use cases, not on grant-funded projects, trying to innovate with technology and keep libraries relevant.

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