Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Stotzka, Rainer (IPE)" <>
> Date: 5 February 2013 16:18:43 GMT
> To: <>
> Subject: [dariah-vcc1] Task 4: Preservation Infrastructure
> Dear colleagues, 
> In Task 4 "Preservation Infrastructure" we are looking for potential partners 
> and contributions to organize and to set up a European data preservation
> infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities.
> One of the first aims is to set up a communication infrastructure, e.g. a
> mailing list and to organize regular telephone conferences.
> If you are interested, please send
> - your name
> - email address
> - affiliation
> - short list of competences/interests in preservation
> An initial wiki already exists here: 
> Please feel free to add content or comments.
> With our best regards,
> Danah Tonne and Rainer Stotzka
> KIT   >>>>>>   Dr. Rainer Stotzka   <<<<<<<<<<   KIT
> Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
> Institute for Data Processing and Electronics
> Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
> 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
> Germany
> fon:   +49 721 608 2 4738         
> fax:   +49 721 608 2 3560         
> email:    

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