I'm so glad to be seeing this conversation happening. As we're considering what things need to be taught and where and by whom, I hope LITA can be a part of this as well.

I'm currently a member of the LITA Education Committee and Cody Hanson is our LITA Board liaison. We're very interested in developing more education targeted at all of the levels mentioned: librarians who might need a little more understanding of the glowing screen, beginning coders who've never seen command line and are interested in trying, intermediate people who may have some foundation but are looking for something more advanced, and especially considering the absolutely packed preconferences, some 300/graduate/advanced courses as well.

As current Program Planning Chair for LITA, this summer we have a Intro to Python Preconference at ALA that Andromeda and the LITA Code Year IG has been spearheading. More details on that are coming soon on the LITA Blog and I'll try to remember to share them here. But that can only capture people who are able to attend in person in June. We have a lot of other months to reach people.

If you're interested in developing something with LITA or you have an idea of someone I should contact to start building a class/workshop/etc, please contact me.

Abigail Goben
Assistant Information Services Librarian and Assistant Professor
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences - Chicago (M/C 763)
1750 W. Polk Street
Chicago, Illinois 60612

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