I've used DokuWiki as a CMS for several website projects. The default theme
is no great shakes, but you can theme it to look like anything and there
are hundreds of plugins. I think the syntax it uses is much friendlier than
that used by Mediapress.


I've also been curious about Octopress. Nominally a blogging layer for
Jekyll, with the new version I think it can probably work as a CMS. It uses
Markdown as the syntax.


On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Wilhelmina Randtke <rand...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Has anyone worked with file based CMSes,and do you have a recommendation
> for one with simple backend?
> One of the issues with the CMS is that databases don't make sense to people
> without background in them.  I want to look at static file based CMSes with
> the goal of finding something that is easier to write instructions on doing
> maintenance and backups for than is a database based CMS.
> -Wilhelmina Randtke

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