Hey folks,

I know there are others out there doing neat things with "shelf browsing"
online around a certain book. I'm looking for best practices for call
numbers for e-books. Anyone else made good traction on this problem?

We seem to do ok with pulling call numbers from the MARC record from our
OCLC-sourced records. But we are now loading big e-book files from Serials
Solutions, which are not sourced from OCLC to my knowledge and which do not
have call numbers in the MARC records.

I know about OCLC's Classify service, which sounds good. Just wondering if
anyone has actually done anything with it, or tackled this issue via other
techniques. I know that MarcEdit is using Classify, but we've had trouble
getting it to use the right ID number in our MARC records as a match point,
so we are looking for other alternatives, too.


Emily Lynema
Associate Department Head
Information Technology, NCSU Libraries

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