Yes, I was thinking you would create a content as text node, and just leave the 
value blank (or maybe use something like rdf:nil).

And the good thing about qnames is that you can use whatever you want.  I 
always use "mads:" instead of "madsrdf:" for MADS, and would use "cat:" or 
"content:" for content as text.

Esme Cowles <>

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
 argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt, 1783

On 09/14/2013, at 10:27 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> Hmm. For the missing title would you create a content as text node with a 
> blank body? How does RDF handle empty strings?!
> (And I'm sorry to say that the qname for content as text is "cnt" - I'm going 
> to have to just get over the dis-ease that causes me )
> kc
> On 9/14/13 6:47 AM, Esmé Cowles wrote:
>> That looks like a nice way to handle many different cases where you have a 
>> textual value, and may also want to attach other triples about certainty, 
>> source, definiteness, etc.  This would neatly handle the missing or 
>> definitely non-existent title problem.  And it also avoids sub-optimal 
>> approaches like reification or having to create a new class for every 
>> possible value that you might want to annotate.
>> -Esme
>> --
>> Esme Cowles <>
>> "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the
>>  argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -- William Pitt, 1783
>> On 09/14/2013, at 9:02 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
>>> This reminds me of a conversation (that did not come to a conclusion) on 
>>> the BIBFRAME list about the need to have a way to say that a bit of data is 
>>> transcribed, not transcribed, or supplied. And that reminds me of the 
>>> issues with SKOS labels, which is that if your data is text, not a URI, you 
>>> can't say anything further about that because text cannot be the subject of 
>>> a triple. And this was also the issue between BIBFRAME and Open Annotation 
>>> because BIBFRAME wanted to have annotations that are plain text, and Open 
>>> Annotation doesn't allow that for the reason that you can't further 
>>> describe the text.
>>> Which leads me to conclude that we would need to be using Content as Text
>>> kc
>>> On 9/13/13 8:57 AM, Stephen Hearn wrote:
>>>> The MARC21 Authority format does have some negative assertions. Field 675
>>>> asserts that a source contains no relevant information (vs. 670 which
>>>> asserts the source and its relevant information). Field 673 asserts that a
>>>> title is not related to the entity in the 1XX (vs. 672 which asserts that
>>>> the two are related). These aren't yet mapped in any detail to RDF or to
>>>> MADS, but finding a way to map them could be a practical approach the
>>>> question of negative assertions.
>>>> Stephen
>>>> On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:12 AM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
>>>>> On 9/13/13 5:51 AM, Esmé Cowles wrote:
>>>>>> Thomas-
>>>>>> This isn't something I've run across yet.  But one thing you could do is
>>>>>> create some URIs for different kinds of unknown/nonexistent titles:
>>>>>> example:book1 dc:title example:unknownTitle
>>>>>> example:book2 dc:title example:noTitle
>>>>>> etc.
>>>>> I'm bothered by the semantics of this... but maybe I'm being too rigid.
>>>>> This states that the title is a URI, not a string, and that the URI is a
>>>>> status, not the actual title. Your system will have a mixture of literal
>>>>> strings that ARE titles and URIs that say something about titles, both as
>>>>> objects of dc:title. The object of DC title needs to be the title. The
>>>>> title COULD be a URI if the URI represents the title (e.g. a uniform title
>>>>> in an authority file).
>>>>> Even if this turns out to be "legal" from an RDF point of view, it seems
>>>>> that this would complicate title displays because you'd have to treat 
>>>>> these
>>>>> URIs differently from the usual title literals, which you could just grab
>>>>> and toss into a display.
>>>>> I'd probably leave title as the literal string, and create a new property
>>>>> for title status that takes its value from a controlled list. In fact,
>>>>> wouldn't we need something almost identical for anonymous works, to say
>>>>> that there really isn't an author. (Cataloging knowledge lapse: we quit
>>>>> using "Anonymous" as an author a while ago, right?) Given the open world
>>>>> assumption, we are going to need to make these kinds of negative 
>>>>> statements.
>>>>> Also, remember that OWL does NOT constrain your data, it constrains only
>>>>> the inferences that you can make about your data. OWL operates at the
>>>>> ontology level, not the data level. (The OWL 2 documentation makes this
>>>>> more clear, in my reading of it. I agree that the example you cite sure
>>>>> looks like a constraint on the data... it's very confusing.)
>>>>>> This book has no title:
>>>>>> example:thisbook dc:title hasobject:false .
>>>>> I don't think the title itself can be "hasobject:false". I think you need
>>>>> to have a property like: xx:hasATitle and this can be true or false. But
>>>>> I'm going to run this by the folks who developed dc in RDF and see what
>>>>> they say. [Did so, they concur = value of title must be a title, not
>>>>> information about title or status of title.]
>>>>> Note that dcterms title is defined specifically as having a literal value:
>>>>> Term Name: title
>>>>> URI:
>>>>> Label:  Title
>>>>> Definition:     A name given to the resource.
>>>>> Type of Term:   Property <**
>>>>> rdf-syntax-ns#Property<>
>>>>> Refines:        
>>>>> Version:        
>>>>> Has Range:      
>>>>> Whereas dc 1.1 (the old 15 element set) is more open:
>>>>> URI:    
>>>>> Label:  Title
>>>>> Definition:     A name given to the resource.
>>>>> Type of Term:   Property <**
>>>>> rdf-syntax-ns#Property<>
>>>>> Version:        
>>>>> Note:   A second property with the same name as this property has been
>>>>> declared in the dcterms: namespace ( See the
>>>>> Introduction to the document "DCMI Metadata Terms" (
>>>>> **documents/dcmi-terms/ <>)
>>>>> for an explanation.
>>>>> I still think you are going outside of the definition of dc:title, which
>>>>> is "The name of the resource." UNLESS you treat your "no title" as the
>>>>> actual name of the resource, like "untitled" as the title of a painting.
>>>>> But then we do have a serial with the actual title "Title varies" ... ;-)
>>>>> kc
>>>>>> It is unknown if this book has a title (sounds undesirable but I can
>>>>>> think of instances where it might be handy[2]):
>>>>>> example:thisbook dc:title hasobject:unknown .
>>>>>> This book has a title but it has not been specified:
>>>>>> example:thisbook dc:title hasobject:true .
>>>>>> In terms of cataloguing, the answer is perhaps to refer to the rules
>>>>>> (which would normally mandate supplied titles in square brackets and so
>>>>>> forth) rather than use RDF to express this kind of thing, although the
>>>>>> rules differ depending on the part of description and, in the case of the
>>>>>> kind of thing that prompted the question- the presence of clasps on rare
>>>>>> books- there are no rules. I wonder if anyone has any more wisdom on 
>>>>>> this.
>>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>>> Tom
>>>>>> [1] Adapted from**
>>>>>> wiki/Primer#Object_Properties<>
>>>>>> [2] No many tbh, but e.g. title in an unknown script or indecipherable
>>>>>> hand.
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Thomas Meehan
>>>>>> Head of Current Cataloguing
>>>>>> Library Services
>>>>>> University College London
>>>>>> Gower Street
>>>>>> London WC1E 6BT
>>>>> --
>>>>> Karen Coyle
>>>>> ph: 1-510-540-7596
>>>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>>>> skype: kcoylenet
>>> --
>>> Karen Coyle
>>> m: 1-510-435-8234
>>> skype: kcoylenet
> -- 
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

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