Mark your calendars!

The Texas Digital Library conference committee is pleased to announce that the 
2014 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries<> 
will be held April 28-29, 2014, in Austin, Texas.

By popular demand, TCDL 2014 will return to the AT&T Executive Education and 
Conference Center, located on the UT Austin campus.

This year's conference theme, Engaging Outliers: Context, Collections & 
Community, will explore the full range of projects, workflows, use cases and 
ideas-in-the-making related to digital library work, with a special emphasis of 
those projects that lie outside of the ordinary. The conference will feature 
keynote speaker Dan Cohen, Executive Director of the Digital Public Library of 
America (DPLA), who will discuss DPLA’s ambitious endeavor to make the cultural 
and scientific heritage of humanity available to all.

Additional information about TCDL 2014, including a call for proposals, will be 

Things to know about TCDL 2014

When: April 28-29, 2014

Where: AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center<> 
in Austin, Texas

Cost: Early registration rates will be $110 for TDL members, $140 for regular 
attendees, and $50 for students. (Stay tuned for future announcements about the 
opening of registration for TCDL 2014.)

Registration rates will cover all conference sessions, including keynotes, 
presentations, poster sessions, and workshops. Light breakfast and snacks, as 
well as a conference reception, will be included as part of the regular 
registration package.

For the first time, TCDL will also offer, at a small additional cost, a 
registration option that will include lunch on the first day of the conference, 
a t-shirt, and access to special tours and events.

About the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries

The Texas Conference on Digital Libraries covers topics relevant to the 
creation, promotion, and preservation of research, scholarship, and cultural 
heritage digital materials. The goal of TCDL is to bring together those working 
on digital projects -- including outreach librarians, repository managers, 
cataloguers, faculty members, technical staff, and others -- in order to build 
a practical, usable and sustainable model for digital libraries.

For more information visit the TCDL 2014 website.

TCDL 2014 Conference Planning Committee

 *   Billie Peterson-Lugo (Baylor University, Chair)
 *   Elizabeth Gushee (Harry Ransom Center, UT Austin, Vice-Chair)
 *   Jim Brewer (Texas Tech University)
 *   Nerissa Lindsay (Texas A&M International University)
 *   Cameron Kainerstorfer (UT Southwestern Medical Center)
 *   Kristi Park (Texas Digital Library)
 *   Mark Phillips (University of North Texas)
 *   Rachel Vacek (University of Houston)

Rachel Vacek

Rachel Vacek, President-Elect 2013-2014
Library Information Technology Association |

Head of Web Services
University of Houston Libraries
114 University Libraries
Houston, TX  77204



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