Cool input. Thank you. I believe I have tweaked my assertions:

1. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson

  xmlns:dc=""; >



2. Thomas Jefferson is a male person


  <rdf:Description rdf:about="";>
    <foaf:Person foaf:gender="male" />


Using no additional vocabularies (ontologies), I think my hypothetical Linked 
Data spider / robot ought to be able to assert the following:

3. The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, a male 


        <foaf:Person rdf:about="";>


The W3C Validator…validates Assertion #3, and returns the attached graph, which 
illustrates the logical combination of Assertion #1 and #2.

This is hard. The Semantic Web (and RDF) attempt at codifying knowledge using a 
strict syntax, specifically a strict syntax of triples. It is very difficult 
for humans to articulate knowledge, let alone codifying it. How realistic is 
the idea of the Semantic Web? I wonder this not because I don’t think the 
technology can handle the problem. I say this because I think people can’t (or 
have great difficulty) succinctly articulating knowledge. Or maybe knowledge 
does not fit into triples?

Eric Morgan
University of Notre Dame


<<inline: graphic.png>>

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