Hi folks

I took a calendar script posted to this list by Andrew Darby some time ago and 
made some changes. I don't think there is any of Andrew's code left, so I've 
rebranded it with an acknowledgement. (If I had my time again, I might have 
coded it from scratch rather than built it over Andrew's script, but that's 
somewhat academic.)

The whole scoop is in the readme on Github: 

TLDR: With PHP, MySQL, some fiddling and data entry, you can publish a library 
opening hours calendar on your website in more than one language if you wish. 
It's a little quicker to enter common period patterns than it used to be in 
Google Calendar. The output is more accessible, customisable, multilingual, 
semantic, and hopefully more extensible (iCal etc) than previously.

Here's a branded reference implementation: http://library2.lincoln.ac.nz/hours 
- it won't necessarily reflect the latest version.

Use it, improve it, feed back, or log issues right there on Github if that 
works for you.

Many thanks to Andrew for providing the foundation!


Hugh Barnes
Digital Access Coordinator
Library, Teaching and Learning
Lincoln University
New Zealand
p +64 3 423 0357

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