OCLC Research is building an ILL Cost Calculator.  We'll be asking institutions 
to enter information about their ILL practices and costs and then supporting 
mechanisms for generating reports based on that data.  (Dennis Massie is 
leading this work in Research and he really should have a page about this 
project that I could point your at.)

I'm writing the part that collects the information.  I need a light-weight 
framework that will let users register themselves and then subsequently 
authenticate themselves while engaged in an iterative process of entering the 
necessary data for the calculator.

I'm looking for suggestions for that framework.  I'm hoping for something in 
java that can be integrated into a tomcat webapp environment, but it wouldn't 
hurt me to stretch a little if there's something else out there you think I 
should be trying.



Ralph LeVan
Sr. Research Scientist
OCLC Research

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