We use OPDS at http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz and have for a while now.

Basically it's an extra namespace that you can use in your RSS with extra information for ebook readers / consumers. Other RSS readers / consumers silently ignore the namespace, so done right you only need one RSS feed.

We do ours on the back of our solr search, so that suddenly you can browse by anything you can facet or search by. At the bottom of every search page is the result set as RSS / OPDS.


On 06/02/14 11:06, Bigwood, David wrote:
I recently became aware of Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) Catalog 
format, a syndication format for e-pubs based on Atom & HTTP. It is something 
like an RSS feed for e-books. People are using it to find and acquire books. It 
sounds like a natural fit for library digitization projects. An easy way for folks 
to know what's new and grab a copy if they like.

So is anyone using this? Is it built into Omeka, Greenstone, DSpace or any of 
our tools? If you do use it do you have separate feeds for different projects. 
Say, one for dissertations, another for the local history project and another 
for books by state authors. Or do you have just one large feed? Is it being 
used by the DPLA or Internet Archive? How's it working for you?

We have plenty of documents we have scanned as well as our own publications. 
Might this be a good way to make them more discoverable? Or is this just a tool 
no one is using?

David Bigwood
Lunar and Planetary Institute


Stuart Yeates
Library Technology Services http://www.victoria.ac.nz/library/

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