On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Shaun Ellis <sha...@princeton.edu> wrote:

> Have you considered writing/editing it in public using this model for
> community contribution?
> https://github.com/addyosmani/backbone-fundamentals
> I went through most that book and was quite impressed with how it came
> together.

This is largely how PLEAC works http://pleac.sourceforge.net/ For generic
programming tasks, it strikes me best to contribute to an existing project
as the amount of work/content required for a decent cookbook is huge.

There is some sense in also having a library specific cookbook as we deal
with a number of formats and technologies that are not really used
elsewhere. One thing that complicates matters is that needs tend to be
highly specific and built around individual systems/procedures where more
specialized lists are your best bet.



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