Thank you for (and Janifer Gatenby) for this answer.

My reading of this is that people who change their name when they marry don't get a new ISNI, but those who change it when they transition gender do, because that's a new identify.

That's useful to know.


On 06/19/2014 12:11 AM, Richard Wallis wrote:
Hi all,

Seeing this thread I checked with the ISNI team and got the following
answer from Janifer Gatenby who asked me to post it on her behalf:

SNI identifies “public identities”.    The scope as stated in the standard

“This International Standard specifies the International Standard name
identif*i*er (ISNI) for the identification of public identities of parties;
that is, the identities used publicly by parties involved throughout the
media content industries in the creation, production, management, and
content distribution chains.”

The relevant definitions are:



natural person or legal person, whether or not incorporated, or a group of


*public identity*

Identity of a *party *(3.1) or a fictional character that is or was
presented to the public



character string by which a *public identity *(3.3) is or was commonly

A party may have multiple public identities and a public identity may have
multiple names (e.g. pseudonyms)

ISNI data is available as linked data.  There are currently 8 million ISNIs
assigned and 16 million links.


[image: <image001.png>]


On 16 June 2014 10:54, Ben Companjen <> wrote:

Hi Stuart,

I don't have a copy of the official standard, but from the documents on
the ISNI website I remember that there are name variations and 'public
identities' (as the lemma on Wikipedia also uses). I'm not sure where the
borderline is or who decides when different names are different identities.

If it were up to me: pseudonyms are definitely different public
identities, name changes after marriage probably not, name change after
gender change could mean a different public identity. Different public
identities get different ISNIs; the ISNI organisation says the ISNI system
can keep track of connected public identities.

Discussions about name variations or aliases are not new, of course. I
remember the discussions about 'aliases' vs 'Artist Name Variations' that
are/were happening on, e.g. 'is J Dilla an alias or a ANV of
Jay Dee?' It appears the users on Discogs finally went with aliases, but
VIAF put the names/identities together: -
and there is no ISNI (yet).

It gets more confusing when you look at Washington Irving who had several
pseudonyms: they are just listed under one ISNI. Maybe because he is dead,
or because all other databases already know and connected the pseudonyms
to the birth name? (I just sent a comment asking about the record at )

[Here goes the reference list…]

Hope this helps :)

Groeten van Ben

On 15-06-14 23:11, "Stuart Yeates" <> wrote:

Could someone with access to the official text of ISO 27729:2012 tell me
whether an ISNI is a name identifier or an entity identifier? That is,
if someone changes their name (adopts a pseudonym, changes their name by
to marriage, transitions gender, etc), should they be assigned a new

If the answer is 'No' why is this called a 'name identifier'?

Ideally someone with access to the official text would update the
article at
With a brief quote referenced to the standard with a page number.

[The context of this is ORCID, which is being touted as an entity
identifier, while not being clear on whether it's a name or entity


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