Does your campus have a recommended/approved payment processing vendor? I have a campus site that uses CASHNet and Drupal; Drupal because that's what we do, and CASHNet because that's the preferred vendor on my campus. We also are not allowed to use more well-known processors like PayPal or Square.

Erik Sandall <>
July 10, 2014 at 11:13 AM
We're in the process of implementing membership renewals (we're a membership library) using Drupal Commerce and First Data Global Gateway. The plan is to eventually expand this to handle new memberships, donations, and some retail sales.

Donations and fines payments currently go through Innovative Interfaces's Ecommerce product paired with PayPal (I think it works with other payment vendors, too).



Erik Sandall, MLIS
Electronic Services Librarian & Webmaster
Mechanics' Institute
57 Post Street
San Francisco, CA 94104

Cary Gordon <>
July 10, 2014 at 10:52 AM
We tend to use (and PayPal) for solutions we build with
Drupal Commerce.


Kim, Bohyun <>
July 10, 2014 at 9:59 AM
Anyone implemented online payment system for libraries? If so, could you share the system you ended up selecting and experience of implementing it? I am currently looking at Cybersource and but it would be nice to have some others to consider as well.

(FYI, our library fines are processed by the library staff, not by the university bursar. And the university does not allow the use of PayPal.)



Ryan Engel
University of Wisconsin - Madison

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