I was interested in the idea but I *still *need to see a mock-up of the
design before I commit to making a purchase.

On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Riley Childs <ri...@tfsgeo.com> wrote:

> So far I have 14 people that have indicated interest in stickers, for this
> to be economically viable I need at least 50 people to indicate interest
> that would like to purchase from the initial run, this will be slightly
> cheaper than when they go for general sale on sticker mule. The google form
> is here:
> https://docs.google.com/a/tfsgeo.com/forms/d/1k-bQVSduKyOVMkXpJ_xOwk9SDjjEoX
> 7QnQ4JTyp2BqI/viewform.
> //Riley
> Riley Childs
> Senior
> Charlotte United Christian Academy
> IT Services Admin
> Library Services Admin
> web: rileychilds.net
> twitter: @RowdyChildren
> Checkout our new library catalog: catalog.cucawarriors.com

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