At different jobs I have had this has been done this differently, but right
now our main Website is hosted by our campus Communications & Marketing
department (not campus IT although they do run the hardware from what I
understand) using their CMS (OmniUpdate). This is a recent change (a little
over a year now) for us. Previously, we have had our own Website. This
switch has been a positive experience for us. The key, I think, is that the
people that are in charge of the Web site understand that the Libraries
have specific needs and they have been willing to work with us to make sure
the site works for our patrons. Not only do we not have to worry about
maintaining the server and what to do if it goes down at 1:00 am, C&M has
provided quality support and helped with design services. We did have to
give up some control over some of the design elements including color,
header, and footer. However, these are relatively minor and makes our Web
presence more cohesive with the rest of the University. We did not give up
any control of content. We do run other Web servers, however, for specific
LAMP applications and our blog because that is not possible within
OmniUpdate. Campus IT also runs some servers for us as do some external
"cloud" providers - we do things differently on a case-by-case basis.

Basically, I think going with a campus-wide CMS solution is good, but only
if the people in charge are willing and able to work with the library and
the library is willing to work with the people operating the CMS. This has
been the case here so we have been successful.


On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Brad Coffield <>

> Hi all,
> I would love to hear from people about what sort of setup they have
> regarding linkage/collaboration/constrictions/freedom regarding campus-wide
> IT practices and CMS usage and the library website.
> Some history: For a very long time our library ran its own server and its
> own website, completely independent of campus-wide concerns (save for
> occasional requests for help from IT with server issues). A few years ago
> the server began to reach EOL and it was determined that we couldn't afford
> to get another. Also around the same time it was deemed that the library
> website needed a complete re-do. I was tapped to do that re-do. During that
> process the Marketing dept got involved and it was agreed upon that the
> library's general look should be aligned with the university's public site
> (which I think was a good idea). Then it was determined that because of
> that decision that the simplest way to achieve it was to put us inside
> their existing CMS which was already setup etc etc.
> Part of the problem is that the existing CMS is Ektron...
> The revised library site went live in Ektron 2 years ago. My marketing
> contact was a massive help in getting it live and training me in ektron
> etc. He is now no longer with the university and we are in the middle of a
> transition period.
> My inclination and desire is to regain some level of independence wherein
> we collaborate with IT in getting our own server space on their servers but
> are not tied to their decisions regarding CMS, how and when to go
> mobile-friendly, etc. Our site is still not fully, truly what it should be
> because of limitations with Ektron and I would like to get out of it. I
> would like to have the option to either run a CMS of my choice or go
> CMS-less (since I'm the only editor). I fear that the site will be held
> back from being able to do the things that it needs to do.
> I'm hoping that I can get some responses from you all that way I can
> informally say "of x libraries that responded y of them are not firmly tied
> to IT." (or something to that effect) I'm also very curious to read
> responses because I'm sure they will be educational and help me to make our
> site better.
> What kind of setup does your library have regarding servers, IT dept
> collaboration, CMS restrictions, anything else? I imagine that there are
> many unique situations. Any input you're willing to provide will be very
> welcome and useful.
> Thank you!
> Warm regards,
> Brad
> --
> Brad Coffield, MLIS
> Assistant Information and Web Services Librarian
> Saint Francis University
> 814-472-3315

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