OCLC Developer House nominations close on Monday, September 22nd.

If you've been thinking about nominating someone - including yourself - for 
Developer House this December, there's no time like the present to submit that 

A few quick reminders:
*  Self-nominations are a-okay
*  Focus is on discovery
*  You don't have to be an expert coder - we're looking for a variety of skill 
sets around creating applications
*  Event is in lovely Dublin, OH Dec 1-5 (snow boots optional)

 the full post<http://oc.lc/vQcRkQ> for all the details. We're looking forward 
to working side by side with another great group, sharing perspectives, 
know-how, and a unique experience.

Nominate someone 


Shelley Hostetler
Community Manager, WorldShare Platform
Phone: 847 701 8932
I'm always up for Skype chat: shelley_hostetler

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