Ex Libris Northeast Users Group (ENUG) 2014 Meeting in 
Tom's River NJ

                                 There will be a special Alma session given by 
Ex Libris!

Registration is open for the Ex Libris Northeast Users Group  (ENUG ) 
conference on October 23 - 24th, 2014.

There will be sessions on Voyager, Aleph, Alma, SFX, Discovery, Primo, and 
general library topics. The sessions will allow you to learn new things and 
share with library colleagues. We will have several Ex Libris representatives 
present to providing useful updates and answer questions.

Marcive and YBP will also be present.

                                                        *****  18 Break Out 
Sessions  *****

To register for the conference and for session information, please visit our 
ever evolving website at 


The deadline for online registration is 12 noon on Friday, October 17.

Pre-paid registrations:

Attendees: $65 (by October 17th )

Presenters: $50 (by October 17th )

At the door:

Attendees: $90 (for those paying at ENUG)

Presenters: $70 (for those paying at ENUG)

We will be lodging and meeting at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center in 
Tom's River, NJ.


You may reserve your room at any time by contacting the Clarion Hotel. Please 
mention the ENUG Group Meeting to get the conference rate of $83.00 plus tax. 
Reservations need to be made by October 10 to assure this rate.

Hotel stay includes:

      Free full hot buffet for breakfast

      All rooms have refrigerator and microwave

      Free parking

We have enhanced our Transportation section to include carpooling information.

We have a tradition of providing an excellent program to our participants along 
with an opportunity to network with your Ex Libris colleagues.

Conference information continues to be updated at: http://e-nug.org/

Inquiries may be submitted to:

Kevin J Collins, Committee Chair

Office of Library Services

City University of New York, Suite 10

555 W. 57th Street, 10th floor

New York, NY 10019



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