On Oct 13, 2014, at 9:59 AM, Matthew Sherman wrote:

> For anyone who knows Internet Explore, is there a way to tell it to use
> word wrap when it displays txt files?  This is an odd question but one of
> my supervisors exclusively uses IE and is going to try to force me to
> reupload hundreds of archived permissions e-mails as text files to a
> repository in a different, less preservable, file format if I cannot tell
> them how to turn on word wrap.  Yes it is as crazy as it sounds.  Any
> assistance is welcome.

If there's a way to do it, it likely wouldn't be something that 
you could send from the server.

Depending on the web server that you're using, you might be able to
use client detection, and then pass requests from IE through a CGI
(or similar) that does the line-wrapping ... or wraps it in HTML.

If you go the HTML route, you might be able to just put the whole
thing in a <textarea> element.

If you *do* have to modify all of the text files, as you specifically
mention that they're e-mails, I'd recommend looking at 'flowed'
formatting, which uses 79 character lines, but SP CRLF to mark
'soft' returns:


You could also try just setting an HTTP header to 'Format: Flowed'
and see if IE will handle it from there.  (I'd test myself, but
I don't have IE to test with)


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