Hello Sarah, hello all,
some times ago I had the same problem and came accross this blogpost that gives some advice about how to developp an algorithm that would do that : http://www.hackerfactor.com/blog/index.php?/archives/432-Looks-Like-It.html . The update section on this blogpost has some links to scripts that implement this algorithm. My project was canceled so I can't tell you if it works well but according to comments it can be a good solution. But if you have money to spend on it, http://services.tineye.com/MatchEngine is definitely a good choice as their algorithm is quite good.

Hope this helps (and maybe that since my original research is quite old now, there are now packaged tools that do it, I don't know)

Sylvain Machefert - Web services librarian

Le 16/10/2014 18:38, Kyle Banerjee a écrit :
Could you say something about the type of dup detection you need? Are we
talking true duplicates, or possibly the same image in multiple formats,
cropped, etc? Roughly how many images (thousands, tens of thousands, etc)
and how big are they? Also, what did you try that did not meet your needs?


On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 2:56 PM, Shipley, Sarah <sarah.ship...@seattle.gov>


I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for image de-duping
software that compares the images rather than checksums.  We're using
Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder, but find it's not as accurate as
we'd like.   We have a very large number of images to de-dupe in our photo
archives and with the current software can't find a balance of comparison
that finds all the dups without producing a lot of false positives.


Sarah Shipley, CA
Digital Asset Manager
Legislative Department - Office of the City Clerk
600 Fourth Avenue, Floor 3
PO Box 94728
Seattle, WA 98124-4728

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