On Nov 6, 2014, at 5:17 PM, Karen Coyle wrote:

> Cynthia, it's been a while but I wanted to give you feedback...
> Ranking on importance based on library ownership and/or circulation is 
> something that I've seen discussed but not implemented -- mainly due to the 
> difficulty of gathering the data from library systems. But it seems like an 
> obvious way to rank results, IMO.
> Too bad that one has to pay for BISAC headings. They tend to mirror the 
> headings in bookstores (and ebook stores) that people might be familiar with. 
> They capture fiction topics, especially, in a way to resonates with some 
> users (topics like "Teen Paranormal Romance").

I believe that they were created specifically for bookstores.

The problem is that the publishers (likely with support of the authors) get to 
decide where stuff should be filed.

As I help manage the Friend's bookstore at my local library branch, I've seen 
"Creation Science" (on an 'E' book with archealogists & dinosaur bones on the 
cover) and a few others make me cringe.


ps.  I haven't seen "Teen Paranormal Romance" specifically as a heading 
(although yes, I've seen those books) ... I'm waiting for "Amish Paranormal 
Romance"  (although I don't know if "Amish Romance" is an official BISAC 

pps.  The nature of the BISAC headings make them less useful for determining if 
a book's actually on the shelves.  It's fine for general browsing, but it 
reminds me of the filing system from Black Books (from 0:40 to ~1:45):


> On 10/22/14 1:25 PM, Harper, Cynthia wrote:
>> So I'm deleting all the Bisac subject headings (650_7|2bisacsh) from our 
>> ebook records - they were deemed not to be useful, especially as it would 
>> entail a for-fee indexing change to make them clickable.  But I'm thinking 
>> if we someday have a discovery system, they'll be useful as a means for 
>> broader-to-narrower term browsing that won't require translation to English, 
>> as would call number ranges.
>> As I watch the system slowly chunk through them, I think about how library 
>> collections and catalogs facilitate jumping to the most specific subjects, 
>> but browsing is something of an afterthought.
>> What if we could set a ranking score for the "importance" of an item in 
>> browsing, based on circulation data - authors ranked by the relative 
>> circulation of all their works, same for series, latest edition of a 
>> multi-edition work given higher ranking, etc.?  Then have a means to set the 
>> threshold importance value you want to look at, and browse through these 
>> general Bisac terms, or the classification?  Or have a facet for 
>> "importance" threshold.  I see Bisac sometimes has a broadness/narrowness 
>> facet ("overview") - wonder how consistently that's applied, enough to be 
>> useful?
>> Guess those rankings would be very expensive in compute time.
>> Well, back to the deletions.
>> Cindy Harper
>> Electronic Services and Serials Librarian
>> Virginia Theological Seminary
>> 3737 Seminary Road
>> Alexandria VA 22304
>> 703-461-1794
>> char...@vts.edu
> -- 
> Karen Coyle
> kco...@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
> m: +1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

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