On 11/25/14 9:25 AM, Craig Boman wrote:
Why limit it to the Northeast? We might get some more interest if it is an
Eastern US Code4Lib event, especially from all the librarians in Ohio who
can't travel to Oregon.

Heya Craig,

Pretty sure OSU is hosting Code4lib Midwest next year which is much closer no? ;-)




Craig Boman
Applications Support Specialist
University of Dayton Libraries

On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Joseph Montibello <
joseph.montibe...@dartmouth.edu> wrote:


Yale hosted a C4L New England event a couple of years back (
http://wiki.code4lib.org/NECode4lib_2012_Home). I was on the planning
committee - it was fun and I know I learned a lot. It was good to have a
local event that folks could go to.

The nice thing is that for an event like this to happen, we only need a
few people willing to work on it, and a little luck in finding an
institution to back it. (And of course a two-day event like the one we had
at Yale is by no means the right/best/only format - there are lots of other
ways that Code4Lib could take shape in New England / the northeast.)

Joe Montibello, MLIS
Library Systems Manager
Dartmouth College

On Nov 24, 2014, at 3:39 PM, Abigail <abigaildiscov...@gmail.com<mailto:
abigaildiscov...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Thanks for posting - I'm new-ish to Code4Lib, and in Western MA. Would be
excited to see more NE activity.

Systems Librarian
Hampshire College

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Christina Marie Harlow <
cmh2...@columbia.edu<mailto:cmh2...@columbia.edu>> wrote:

Hi Matt-

We have stuff going in Code4LibNYC, but I'd be happy to help get something
going on in the Northeast.


On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Matthew Sherman <matt.r.sher...@gmail.com


While riffing on an old DC comics title the subject line is my question.
I've been working in Connecticut for a little over a year now and I have
heard of nothing going on with Code4Lib in this part of the US.  I find
this sad since I see all sorts of activity in a variety of other spots,
particularly in my old beloved midwest stomping grounds.  So I was
wondering if anyone knows why the Code4Libbers in the northeast have been
so quiet?  Is the communication being done in some back channel or are
there not many of us out in this part of the US?  I am just curious as I
would love to touch base, collaborate, and learn from other folks in the

Matt Sherman

Christina Harlow

Metadata Specialist
Columbia University Libraries

+1 212 854 8457
102 Butler Library, MC 1111


Abigail Baines
Systems & Discovery Librarian
Harold F. Johnson Library
Hampshire College

phone: 413-559-5766
email: abai...@hampshire.edu<mailto:abai...@hampshire.edu>
  - - abigaildiscov...@gmail.com<mailto:abigaildiscov...@gmail.com>
web: library.hampshire.edu<http://library.hampshire.edu>
blog: theharold.hampshire.edu<http://theharold.hampshire.edu>

Noise proves nothing.  Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles
as if she laid an asteroid.
                -- Mark Twain

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